Car accidents in Colorado are an all too common occurrence in our beautiful state and happen for many reasons. Maybe someone was daydreaming and took their focus off the road. Or someone was following the car in front of them too closely.
Every driver on the road is responsible for doing all they can to prevent a car accident in Colorado.
To do this and arrive safely at your destination, there are five duties every driver on the road has. If any of these are broken and cause an accident, the offending driver can be found to have been negligent and thus, responsible for the accident.
These 5 duties include:
1. Duty to drive at a reasonable speed
2. Duty to be aware of your surroundings
3. Duty to maintain control of the car
4. Duty to maintain and use vehicle’s equipment properly
5. Duties imposed by Colorado law
If you were involved in a car accident in Colorado and think the other driver violated one of these 5 duties, you may have ground to sue them for compensation.
Read 5 Duties Every Driver Has to Act with Reasonable Care, a new article in our Colorado car accident knowledge center to learn more.
And if you think someone who hit you breached any of these duties, contact Colorado car accident attorney R. Mack Babcock today to see if you have a case.