Choosing the Right Colorado Workers’ Compensation Attorney
How do I find a good Colorado on-the-job injury attorney?
Serious job injuries are very painful. Not only do you have the physical pain to deal with, you will undoubtedly incur huge financial costs, lost wages and undergo unpleasant medical treatment. Other psychological side effects from the trauma are quite possible as well.
Recovering from painful injuries and financial losses as a result of an on-the-job injury may require the counsel and services of a Colorado workers’ compensation lawyer who is experienced in the type of case you will need to bring.
There are many ways you can locate a Colorado on-the-job injury attorney. Once you have a list of three or four referrals, consult with each regarding your case before hiring one. Of course, we welcome you to start with us at The Babcock Law Firm.
Where to find a Colorado workers’ compensation attorney:
- Family, friends, co-workers and acquaintancesTalking with people you know and trust is a good way to find an attorney. If they have used the services of a Colorado on-the-job injury attorney before, they can give you a first-hand accounting of their experience and whether their attorney got the job done.
- Online Directories, Online Searches and YellowPagesAnother popular way to locate attorneys that many are turning to is online searches. Many lawyers have their own website and are listed in legal directories. Simply go to a search engine like Google and enter your city/state location with the words “workers’ compensation attorney”, “on-the-job injury attorney”, you get the idea. You can even enter more specific terms such as “Colorado insurance claim attorney” or “Colorado attorney for injured truck drivers”. And the good old fashioned yellow pages in your local phonebook will have the names of many attorney offices in your community.
- Other AttorneysIf you know any lawyers, they can refer you to one they know specializes in Colorado workers’ compensation cases – remember, not all lawyers are the same. One that specializes in criminal cases will not be much help in Colorado workers’ compensation claim. Attorneys refer business to one another all the time so if you know one lawyer, chances are they know someone who can handle your case.
- State/Local Bar AssociationContact your local or Colorado bar association. Most associations have a referral service organized by practice area but there is a lot of variety in the quality of these services. Some bar associations only list attorneys with a certain amount of experience while others simply list all lawyers in good standing. Before relying on a particular service, find out the qualifications an attorney must have to be included on their list.
I have my list of referrals, what happens now?
After you have a short list of Colorado workers’ compensation attorneys, it’s time to meet with them one-on-one and see which one will best serve your interest and goals. Most lawyers do not charge for an initial consultation to discuss whether they want to take your case – if they do, scratch them off your list.
Have all documentation related to your case including police reports, hospital/medical records, income loss information and all correspondence with your insurance company for the attorney. Read Help your Lawyer Help You in the Colorado on-the-job injury attorney knowledge center for tips on how to organize legal documentation.
Over the course of the interview, be sure you get clear answers to the following questions regarding their experience.
- How long have they been practicing law in your area?
- Approximately how much of their practice is devoted to Colorado workers’ compensation cases?
- Who do they represent, plaintiffs or defendants?
- You do not want an attorney who is currently representing defendants like an insurance company. Their mindset and interests are probably too closely linked to the very people you are suing.
- But an attorney with past experience in defending the very type of people you are suing can be quite useful. They are often more respected than attorneys who have never worked for the other side and generally have more insights into building the strongest case possible.
- Will the lawyer you are meeting with handle the case or pass it to a less experienced one? Most firms have several attorneys working on the same case. The attorney you meet with may only handle the tough parts while less experienced lawyers in the firm handle routine administrative tasks.
- What is their track record? How many cases have they won and the amount of damages awarded?
After you have decided on an attorney and hired them, you’re not done. Be sure there is a written fee agreement that is clear, and keep in touch with them to make sure your case is progressing how it should.
You can learn more about R. Mack Babcock and his Colorado workers’ compensation law firm here. Visit the Colorado on-the-job injury attorney knowledge center to learn more about workers’ compensation law and legal procedures.
Continue reading these related articles for more information…
- Obtaining your Workers’ Compensation Benefits
- How Federal Employees Obtain Workers’ Compensation
- Resolve Colorado Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation Disputes Out of Court
- Help Your Lawyer Help You
- Maximum Benefit Rates for Colorado Workers’ Compensation – 2014-2015 Fiscal Year
Talk with us today – A free, no-risk consultation
Discuss the details of your claim with a Colorado Workers’ Compensation lawyer at The Babcock Firm today. Regardless of if you were injured at work in Westminster, Thornton, Arvada, or anywhere else near Denver, if your case falls within our practice area and we feel our representation can benefit you, an attorney will conduct an in-depth consultation at no charge. We are here to help you secure a successful outcome.
While the Babcock Law Firm tirelessly works to obtain successful outcomes for its clients, prior positive outcomes are no guarantee of future success. Indicating prior positive results is in no way intended to guarantee future results.